1. Finders Leepers
1. Finders Leepers网站
Find out everything that you can about your intended destination. Are there travel advisories in effect? Do local laws and customs allow pregnant women to travel alone? How are you expected to dress? Where is the embassy of your country located?
What is the climate like? Are there any diseases that you should worry about? What is the cuisine like? How easy is it to get clean drinking water? How far are nearest hospitals? The answers to these and other questions will help you craft a travel plan that minimizes risk while maximizing the fun.
2. A doctor a day
Before you travel, visit your doctor. Depending on your proposed destination, you may need special medication or even vaccination. Where possible, avoid traveling to areas where inoculation is necessary, as there is always a slight risk of the serum harming your unborn baby.
If you are on a trip that will take five hours or more, drink a lot of water and take short walks every thirty minutes to reduce the risk of developing intravenous blood clots, a condition that is known as Deep Vein Thrombosis. Where necessary, buy orthopedic stockings to keep your legs and feet from swelling.
Starting from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, most airlines will ask for a letter from your doctor confirming that you are fit enough to travel. You should shelve any travel plans that you may have starting from the thirty-seventh week, thirty four for twins, because of the vastly increased probability of going into labor.
3. Insured's assured
Get adequate travel insurance before you start packing your bags. This will guarantee that you have enough money for evacuation, treatment and even premature birth. Apart from the costs of changing the date of your return flight, travel insurance also covers loss, theft and damage to your property.