It's one thing to go dutch on a date, it's another to pay your mooching boyfriend's way through an entire luxury holiday. That's the scenario facing Reddit user cascent, who shared her tale of a woeful vacation spent forking out for a man she'd been dating five months. Brad, 31, expected his new girlfriend, 29, to hand over her wallet for every single meal. By the end of the trip, she was ready to ditch his a--. There's one catch - he paid for the accommodation. So who's in the wrong? Is anyone right?
She writes: "So about a month ago, Brad (not his real name) told me he wanted to take me away for a romantic weekend (our first). He ended up choosing an expensive apartment at the beach so I offered to pay for half of the accommodation costs, but Brad refused to let me help pay and just said I should 'use my money as spending money so I could enjoy the weekend'."
"From what we had talked about, I was under the assumption we would get groceries for the entire weekend and go 50/50 (this is what we usually do). I'm on a really tight budget at the moment, and only had $150 to spare. I was guessing groceries would be about $75 each for the weekend and then I could use the rest for spending money."

"When we arrived at the beach for our first night there, I mentioned we should go and get our groceries from the store for the weekend and make dinner together at the apartment (thinking it would be romantic), but he was a bit tired from the drive and wanted to grab some food straight away. As I knew the area better, I pointed out the fish & chip restaurant near the beach (the only one I knew of that had great, reasonably-priced food) and he said: "How about we sit down and eat?" I was thinking 'Oh great, he wants to take me out for dinner! That's just a bit romantic.' I really had no clue what was about to happen."
"第一晚到达海滩的时候,我提出我们应该去店里买些吃的,然后可以在公寓里一起做晚餐(我觉得很浪漫),但他开车有点累了,想吃些简餐。因为我对那个地方比较熟,所以选了靠近海滩的fish & chip餐馆(我只知道这家店的食物又好吃、又不贵)。然后他说:'我们找家店坐下来吃吧?'我当时想'太棒了,他想带我出去吃晚餐呢!好浪漫哦。'我真的不知道将发生什么。"