As someone who was in a long-distance relationship for two years and is now currently in another one, I know all the pains that come with being in an LDR all too well. Sure, distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it also downright sucks. It's not the most frugal dating option, not to mention how difficult it is to not be able to see your significant other anytime you want. Although long-distance relationships aren't the easiest, they aren't impossible to survive either - as long as you keep these things in mind.
1. Assume that it's going to be really tough: It's great to have a positive attitude going into a long-distance relationship, but you should also expect to encounter many bumps along the way. Once you embrace the challenge, you'll be better equipped to get through the more difficult moments and won't be as tempted to give up when you're put to the test.
1. 假设这段恋情会很艰难:异地恋时,保持积极态度是很棒的,但你也应该预想到这个过程肯定会有困难。一旦接受这一挑战,你将更好的度过困难时刻,当上天给你们考验时,你也不会轻易放弃。
2. Always have your next visit planned: You need to give yourselves something to look forward to. Each time you reunite, discuss when the next time you'll be seeing each other will be. Secure the date, and start counting down.
2. 总是计划下一次的约会:你需要给自己一些值得期待的事情。每一次的重逢,都讨论讨论下一次的见面时间吧。确定好日期,开始倒计时吧!

3. Facetime as much as you can: Trust me, seeing each other face to face will help your relationship more than a phone call can - even if it's just through a screen. It's obviously not the same as being together in person, but it's the next best thing you've got. It'll also make you more focused on your conversation without being able to multitask as easily.
3. 尽可能多的视频:相信我,面对面的看到彼此比打电话更有助于稳固你们的恋情--即使隔了一个屏幕。这当然和真正的呆在一起不同,但这仅次于真正的相处。而且也能让你更专注你俩的对话,不会同时做很多件事。
4. Make your visits count: You don't get time together often so when you do see each other, take full advantage. This doesn't mean you always have to have an extravagant plan on hand; being present is enough. Put your phones away and give each other the time and attention you don't often get to enjoy.
4. 让约会物有所值:你们无法经常见面,所以见面的时候,一定要好好利用。这也并不是说你必须制定一个满满的计划;在他/她身边就够了。把手机拿开,把时间和精力都集中在身边人身上吧,这可不是常有的哦。
5. Celebrate the little things: And this includes cheesy holidays you'd normally skip. Celebrating personal accomplishments, relationship milestones, and even National Pizza Day together while apart will help you both feel more connected. Plus, it'll also give you an excuse to make a visit or do something nice for one another.
5. 为小事庆祝:包括你通常不过的俗气的节假日。分开的时候共同庆祝个人取得的成就、情感里程碑、甚至是国庆披萨日能使你们更加亲密。此外,这还给了你们看望彼此、为他/她做些温馨小事的理由!