A brand-new short film by anime director Hayao Miyazaki is scheduled to screen at the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka in Tokyo on March 21.
"Boro the Caterpillar", the 14-minute anime short written by Miyazaki, is Miyazaki's first direction since "The Wind Rises" in 2013 and the 10th original anime short to be screened exclusively in the museum.
According to the Ghibli Mueseum website, "Boro the Caterpillar" tells the story of a recently hatched caterpillar who sets out to experience the world filled with older caterpillars and their enemies.
Miyazaki has long wanted to draw the world with the eyes of an insect.
Visitors of the Ghibli Museum might recognize Boro the Caterpillar from one of the Panorama Boxes, which are made from painted glass boards to create the illusion of a 3D world.
In conjunction with the premiere, a related exhibition will also be opening in the 2nd floor gallery.