After looking so long for the higher and better in churches and institutions, ranks and titles, she found something of it in her son.
For forty years she had been cross with him for doing everything the wrong way,but she found the capacity for change.
Alan, too, became less totally dismissive of her preoccupations.
There was plenty of scope for unburying a forty-year-old resentment of a mother so unlike the sensuous, seductive figure of Freudian theory.
Perhaps Alan also confronted the figure of his father, whose strength had somehow cancelled itself out, and who had not shown the marathon-runner's quality of his son.
Perhaps too there was a hidden disappointment that his father had never even tried to penetrate his concerns in the way that his mother, however irritatingly, attempted.
If Alan's friends heard him disparage his mother, they usually heard nothing of his father.
But sorting out such complexities of inner feeling was one thing; coping with his situation in the real world of 1952 was quite another,
and in this respect psychoanalysis was bound by the same limitation as his imitation game—it was the world of dreaming, not of doing.
A private 'free association' of ideas was allowed, but free association with male persons—that was the very thing that was forbidden.
独自想想"交往自由"是可以的,但如果真的想要男性之间交往自由,那是坚决禁止的。Franz Greenbaum could not supply the greenwood. Consistency and completeness of mind was not enough; something had to be done.