Science, with its claims to identify an objective reality independent of laws and customs and loyalties; science with its movement towards abstract thought; science for which the world was a single country—science might suggest the danger of detachment from the axioms of society.
But so, both more directly and dramatically, did any form of sex which departed from the socially approved forms.
相比之下,更坚定地具有这些特征的,正是那些背离社会主流的性异常者。Homosexuals in particular had chosen to set themselves above the clear and unmistakable judgment of society, and posed the problem of the guilty without guilt, lawbreakers with moral assurance.
Did there not lie an embryonic Fuchs in each?
There lay a great difference, in that Fuchs had been doing what he had explicitly promised not to do—and Fuchs had arrogated the right to power, the right to change history, rather than the right to control immediate relationships.
But with most gay men playing an imitation game, they could not help sharing in dishonesty and deception; and nor could anyone know for certain where personal relationships might lead.
These were not new questions, although in the era of threatened atomic warfare they took on a new urgency.