Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Mother Language Day
21 February 2024
Today, 40% of the people in the world do not have access to education in their mother tongue, the language which they speak or understand best. This takes a considerable toll, both academic and cultural, because mother tongues are essential to the transmission of knowledge between different generations.
This 21 February, UNESCO is encouraging everyone to mark International Mother Language Day (IMLD) by focusing on learning and transmission.
The scientific studies are clear: learning in one’s mother tongue is essential to success at school. This boosts self-esteem, awakens curiosity from an early age, and facilitates cognitive development. That is why, at the seventh International Conference on Language and Education, held last October in Bangkok, Thailand, under the aegis of UNESCO, experts and policymakers discussed ways of integrating more languages into schools.
Advocating multilingualism in schools also means preserving and promoting linguistic plurality, especially with regard to languages which have only a few remaining speakers. This openness allows people who have not received an elementary education to resume their studies, as is the case in Mozambique, where UNESCO has been training teachers for multilingual education since 2018. Nearly 400 students of all ages, the majority of them women, have been able to pass their exams.
A language, however, is not just a particular dialect or a simple means of communication; it is also the repository of a culture. It is the vehicle for a whole set of representations of and relationships to the world, and for ways of thinking about oneself in relation to others and to things.
It is therefore essential to appreciate and protect the cultural diversity which multilingualism fosters. This is why UNESCO works to protect all languages, for example by conducting activities within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) (2022-2032). Through this large-scale programme, which is aimed at drawing the world’s attention to the critical situation facing many Indigenous languages, UNESCO is taking action to encourage the use of these languages in public services, and to ensure that the knowledge they convey is better taken into account. This knowledge is invaluable for dealing with challenges as crucial as the fight against hunger or the protection of biodiversity.
Finally, because access to quality information in the language in which one is fluent is necessary for the empowerment of all, UNESCO is leading initiatives to promote multilingualism on the Internet, the world’s leading source of information, and on the airwaves.
At a time when over 90% of online content is available in just a dozen dominant languages, UNESCO, in partnership with the Global Voices network, has established a toolkit to help diversify the languages present on the web. The Organization is also involved in radio projects, supporting and promoting content in Indigenous languages; for example, this is what it is doing in India through an assistance programme benefiting nearly 200 community stations which are mostly in rural areas.
To guarantee that all people, regardless of the languages they speak, have the same learning opportunities and the same opportunities for the transmission of knowledge: that is the aim of this international day.