[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(12)
1. The sides of a rectangular piece of card are each 10 per cent too long for a particular project. By what percentage is the area too large?2013-03-05 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(11)
1. The area of a rectangle with sides x and 3x, is how many times greater than the area of a right angled isosceles triangle with side x?2013-03-04 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学知识范围增量分析
以前的SAT数学考试程度仅相当于国内初三的数学水平,主要考学生的四则运算、因数、分数、百分数、小数及比率比值的基本知识及运算能力。这些数学的基本知识,对国内初三学生来说很简单。新SAT数学部分的试题,2013-03-01 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学经典试题实例分析
作者想通过下面一组试题让读者对SAT数学有一个直接的感受。这些题目均来自SAT考试试题,故请注意它们的出题方式,难易程度,特别是语言的表述方法。希望读者读一读,想一想,做一做。如果你的英语基础比较好2013-03-01 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(10)
1. A time lapse camera takes pictures once every 40 seconds. How many pictures does it take in a 24 hour period? (Assume that it takes its first picture 40 seconds after the start of the time period.)2013-03-01 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学公式之面积和体积
SAT数学部分的考试,常用公式会写在卷面上。但还是希望大家能熟练记忆常用的公式,这样就会节省同学们的做题时间。下面为大家整理的是关于几何中最基础的各个图形的面积和体积的公式。我们一起来看看详细内容吧。2013-02-28 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学概率论技巧
对SAT数学概率论部分来说,你用的方法越简单,你做对的概率越大,而且还可以在考场上省出很多时间来做更有意义的事情。下面我们就对SAT数学概率论部分的常用解题技巧进行总结,以期事半功倍:2013-02-28 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(9)
3. A tree of height 50 feet casts a shadow 80 feet long at a certain time of day. A second tree near to the first casts a shadow 100 feet long at the same time. How many feet taller is the second ...2013-02-28 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(8)
After 20 minutes = 2n; after 40 minutes = 4n; after 60 minute = 8n (You can simply continue counting like will not take you long and will be accurate)2013-02-27 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(7)
1. In a test a student got a mark of 49. His report card showed that he had scored 70 per cent. What was the maximum mark on the test?2013-02-26 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考察点:逻辑分析能力
SAT数学的考察点反映了美国教育的一大特点,即它的数学部分更注重的是数学在生活上作为一种技能的体现。因此,逻辑分析的能力是SAT数学考察的一个侧面,这一点与国内数学考试主要侧重于数学技能的考核是有区别的。2013-02-25 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(6)
1. A teacher wants to make a test containing 20 verbal and 30 math questions. Each verbal question is to be allotted 45 seconds to complete and each math question is to be given 12013-02-25 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(5)
1. On a number line point a has coordinate -4 and point B has coordinate 6. What is the coordinate of point C which is midway between A and B ?2013-02-23 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学考试问答题练习题(4)
1. A typist can type 45 words per minute. He increases his speed by 20 per cent. How many words can he now type per hour ?2013-02-22 编辑:melody 标签:
[SAT数学考试辅导] SAT数学备考词汇之代数
下面为大家整理的是SAT数学核心词汇之代数。SAT数学词汇是大家在解答SAT数学题的基础,所以大家在备考SAT数学考试的时候,首先要做的一项准备工作就是记忆相应的SAT数学核心词汇,这样才能在碰到题目的时候,2013-02-22 编辑:melody 标签: