
时间:2005-5-13 14:49:48  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

ey're completely in love with

each other., 或是俚语用法的 They're crazy/mad/nuts about each other.


 32. He was more interesting than I expected.


I never would have guessed he would be so interesting. 是(我从未想到

他是如此风趣)之意. 相反的,(我不知道他是这样的一个土包子)则说 I didn't

know he was such a jerk.

33. Yuck! The guy's wearing a tux.

呦! 那位仁兄穿起晚礼服来了.

It's yucky! 是稚语的(糟糕了!)之意. tuxedo 在口语中只说 tux即可.

而(我不知道要穿正式礼服)是 I didn't know I had to dress up., 或说

I didn't know this was gonna be a dress-up party.


 34. They're gonna be rolling in it.


He's rolling in it/money. 是(他正在大赚其钱)的常用句.

make a big profit on...也是'大赚...'之意.如: They must have

made a big profit on this party. 是(他们在这次聚会上,一定大赚一笔).

35. I round up the gang. 聚了一帮人.

I drink to a toast. 干杯. 在欧洲,干杯时常说 Cheers! 或 Mud in the eye!

I reach for some snacks and munchies. 伸手抓点心吃. 动词munch 是'嘎之


36. I gorge myself on the food. 狼吞虎咽的吃. gorge oneself 是'狼吞虎咽'之意.

I come on strong and try to pick up a girl. 为亲近那女孩猛灌迷魂汤.

come on strong 是'侃侃而谈',


pick up a girl 在此处是指'拍女孩,找个女孩交朋友'之意.

make a smooth pick up 是'很顺利就交上(女朋友)'的意思.

I jeer and start yelling. 喝倒彩.

I do an impersonation. 做模仿表演.


37. I get dead drunk.醉倒了. 翌日醒来再喝酒,'以酒攻酒' 称为 a hair of the dog.


I take care of someone who has passed out. 照顾一个醉倒的人.

请注意,passed out 而不是 passed away.呵呵.


38. I wonder if two crates of cabbage is enough.


crate 是指'(运送,打包用的)箱柜,竹笼'等. cabbage 是'包心菜'.

此处将 two crates of cabbage 当作一个整体,所以动词用单数 is.

如果说 Shall I go and get another crate, just in case? 是指



 39. Well, since he's making such a fuss, guess I'll just have to.


since 是'因为',用来表示'理由'.

make a fuss(about .....) 是'小题大作;罗里罗唆'之意.

just have to (do so) 是'只好听他'之意.

(哼,她总是独断专行)可以用 Gosh, she always has her own way.

41. These guys think they're really great, don't they?


'自我满足'是 self-satisfaction, 也可以用 complacency.


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