1. 友好
2. 坚定
1. 催缴
2. 确认
3. 期待回复
范文4: Step 1-Just a Reminder…
June 2, 20
Mr. Michael Smith
1011 Main Street
Midville, MI 000000
Re: Invoice 112657
Dear Mr. Smith
We have carefully checked our accounts and can find no record of the payment you believe you made April 2 to cover the sum of $297.48 due on the above-referenced invoice.
If you have received your canceled check from the bank, please send us a photocopy of it so that we can clear up this matter expeditiously. If you find you were mistaken about the payment, please send it immediately. Thank you.
范文 5: Step 2-Still Have Not Heard from you…
July 5, 20
Mr. Michael Smith
1011 Main Street
Midville, MI 00000
Re: Invoice 112657
Dear Mr. Smith:
Your payment of $297.48 for the above-referenced invoice is now more than thirty days past due.
Since we have hot heard from you in response to our precious correspondence, we assume that the balance is correct and that your records agree with ours.
It is essential that that this account be settled at once to avoid any problems with your credit standing. If there are circumstances beyond your control that are making it difficult for you to pay this amount all at once. We urge you to tell us about them immediately so we can discuss setting up an easy payment plan for you.
Please mail your payment or contact us right away. We must hear from you at once to avoid further action.
范文 6: Step 3-Last Chance Before Legal Action…
August 15, 20
Mr. Michael Smith
1011 Main Street
Midville, MI 00000
Re: Invoice 112657
Dear Mr. Smith:
Unfortunately, we have not received a reply to our many requests for payment of the above-mentioned account. As you know, the account is now considerably overdue.
We are sure you understand that at our present wholesale prices we cannot afford to allow accounts to remain outstanding indefinitely. Therefore, if we do not receive remittance within ten days from the above date, we will have no choice but to pursue other collection procedures, including legal action, without further notice to you.
We hope this will not be necessary and that you will send us the payment without any further delay.
P-H Editorial (Editor), 1990, PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632