[影视动态] 《绯闻女孩》给你4个选择Chuck的理由!
Blair better be on her way to see Chuck Bass and here’s why.[qh]Blair最好是去见Chuck Bass,预知详情请看下文。[qh]1 It would be the best Gossip Girl love scene ever![qh]这会是《绯闻少女》有史以来2011-11-17 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第4期:再想其他办法
背景介绍: Andy的魔鬼上司Miranda要她弄到哈利波特未出版的手稿,万般无奈之下她只好打电话给Christian Thompson寻求帮助。Christian Thompson: Just tell her it can't be done. You'll have to come up2011-11-14 编辑:lily
[每天记住5个烦人单词] 每天记住5个"烦人"单词第5期:
讲解注释►— The Harry Potter manuscrip? You're kidding.《哈利•波特》的手稿?你开玩笑吧?— Uh, sorry to ask, but I'm desperate.抱歉打扰,但我也是穷途末路。——《时尚女魔头》despera2011-11-14 编辑:lily
[明星八卦] "寂寞男孩"Penn Badgley换女友
Penn Badgley and Zoe Kravitz took their romance public once again today as they went on a walk in the Big Apple. The couple held hands as they strolled the streets, and Penn didn't go unnoticed2011-11-14 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 《生活大爆炸》第五季10官方介绍+剧照抢先看!
《生活大爆炸》第五季第十集将会在北京时间11月18日播出!Sheldon越来越食人间烟火了…… Sheldon considers taking his relationship with Amy to the next level when Stuart from the comic book store asks he2011-11-14 编辑:lily
[每天记住5个烦人单词] 每天记住5个"烦人"单词第9期:用药过量
词汇讲解Your boyfriend's body was found next to his apartment, dead from an overdose.你男朋友的尸体已经在他公寓旁被发现了,死于嗑药过量。overdose n./v. 用药过量An overdose of this drug can kill.这2011-11-18 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第8期:化为乌有
— Execuse me. Can we adjust the attitude?拜托,态度能不能好点?— I'm sorry. It's a busy day. My personal life is hanging by a thread, that's all.抱歉,我今天太忙了。我的个人生活岌岌可危2011-11-18 编辑:lily
[影视音乐] 金曲欣赏 Christina Aguilera: Beautiful
Christina Aguilera: BeautifulDon't look at meEvery day is so wonderfulThen suddenly, it's hard to breatheNow and then, I get insecureFrom all the pain, I'm so ashamedI am beautiful no mat2011-11-18 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(15) 职业水准
双语剧本-Howard:These instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components.这些说明书,尽是组装这些配件最没有想象力的方法。This right, here is why2011-11-18 编辑:lily
[看老友记学英语] 美剧随身听之《老友记》(10) 你嘴里有个衣架
双语剧本-Monica: So how you doing today? Did you sleep okay? Talk to Barry? I can't stop smiling.你今天怎么样?睡得好吗?和Barry谈过吗?我笑个不停。-Rachel: I can see that. You look like you slep2019-06-10 编辑:lily
[看电影学英语] 看电影学英语 Love Birds《爱情鸟》精讲之六
原文视听本片段剧情:在聚会上,道格穿上宇航服来找霍利,说要带她去月球,大家都被这浪漫的一幕感动了。霍利虽然开始嘴硬,但还是原谅了道格,两人带着小泰勒搭乘热气球飞向了新生活……精彩对白Brenda: What abou2011-11-18 编辑:lily
[每天记住5个烦人单词] 每天记住5个"烦人"单词第14期:不祥之兆
词汇讲解Jon: They call me Dr. Manhattan. They explain the name has been chosen...他们叫我Manhattan 博士。他们解释说,会选这名字…for the ominous associations it will raise in America's enemies.因2011-11-25 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第13期: 你说了算
Hold that thought. Leonard, a moment.暂停!莱纳德,过来一下。Let me guess. You have a problem with this.我猜,你有点意见。Where do I begin?我该从哪里说起呢?It's up to you. Crazy person's cho2011-11-25 编辑:lily
[影音时尚口语] 影音时尚口语:点亮灵魂的烛光系列之《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》(2)
影音口语上世纪50年代的美国,虽然女性的地位渐渐受到重视,但那时人们的观念仍旧保守,女子要穿紧身衣、塑腰、穿腹带、要以结婚为神圣的使命。像凯瑟琳这样不肯沿袭学校一贯的教学风格,特例独行,挑战学校规则的老2021-03-24 编辑:lily
[] 每天一句电影口语第10期:
1970-01-01 编辑:
[每天记住5个烦人单词] 每天记住5个"烦人"单词第10期:分摊分派
And Bogs would never walk again. 而Bogs再也没有站起来。They transferred him to a minimum-security hospital upstate.他被送到一个特殊医院去。To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days...据我所知2011-11-21 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第9期:
— So, Leonard, how about it?那你呢,Leonarn?— You know, Penny, we'd love to help you, but Raj is going through some stuff right now.佩妮,你知道我们很乐意帮助你,但Raj现在正遇到点麻烦。And besi2011-11-21 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(20) 炒鸡蛋的学问
双语剧本-Leonard:Morning.早。-Sheldon: Morning.早。-Leonard:You're making eggs for breakfast?今天早餐你做鸡蛋吃?-Sheldon: This isn't breakfast, it's an experiment.这不是早餐,这是试验。2011-11-25 编辑:lily
[看电影学英语] All Good Things《所有美好的东西》精讲之三
原文视听本片段剧情:为了让凯蒂过上优越的生活,戴维接受了父亲的安排,接手了家族生意。他为凯蒂买下了一所豪宅,然而凯蒂没高兴多久就发现,戴维根本不想要小孩,这让凯蒂很失落。凯蒂还从戴维的密友那里意外得知2011-11-25 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(16) 自学成才
我注意到Leslie Winkle最近在刮她的腿毛。既然冬天都已经到了,只能说明她是在暗示,她可以作为做爱对象。2011-11-21 编辑:lily