[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:惊天魔盗团 Now you see me
Because the more you think you see,the easier it'll be to fool you.Because what is seeing?You're looking,but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning.2013-09-11 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries
Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。2013-09-13 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:勇气 Courageous
当孩子缺少父亲的管教,他们自杀或吸毒的概率会增长5倍,入狱的概率则会增至20倍。我知道你们工作很辛苦,整天和人的阴暗面打交道。但在下班回家后,还请你们多多关爱家人。2013-09-17 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:遗愿清单 bucket list
My fresh men's philosopher,assigned this exercise.In forward thinking,he called it a bucket list.2013-09-18 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:越狱 Prison Break
Be the change you want to see in the world.欲变世界,先变自身。2013-09-25 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:料理鼠王 Ratatouille
In a way the workof a critic is easy.We risk us little and we have pleasure evaluating with superiority the ones that submit us your work and reputation we win fame with negative criticisms which ar..2013-09-26 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:乱世佳人 Gone with The Wind
Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。2013-10-01 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:环太平洋 Pacific Rim
I know you insist to be true,SO you do not waste the time of your life as a fan of kaiju,But it would not work.我知道你的坚持是正确的,所以别把你的生命浪费在迷恋怪兽上,但是这一切不会有什么好效果。2013-10-03 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:人鬼情未了 Ghost
It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I'm just afraid that I'm going to lose it.当生命中美好的东西到来时,我却觉得会失去它。[2013-10-18 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:西雅图不眠夜 Sleepless in Seattle
What if someone you never met,someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?如果那个你从未遇到,从未见过,从未认识的人,却是唯一属于你的人,那么,你将怎样?2013-10-16 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:教父 The Godfather
Never tell anybody outside the family what you are thinking again50.Never let anyone know what you are thinking不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。2013-11-05 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:天堂电影院 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
If you don't walk out, you will think that this is the whole world.如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是全世界。2013-11-07 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:初恋50次 50 First Dates
Being with you is the only way I could hold the happy life. You are the girl of my dream and apparently I'm the one of yours.只有跟你在一起,我才会有幸福的生活。你是我梦中的女孩。当然我也是你梦中的男孩。2013-11-14 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:星际迷航 Star Trek
Judging by the pollution content of the atmosphere, I believe we have arrived at the late twentieth century.根据大气污染物来判断,我认为我们来到了20世纪末。2013-11-11 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:饥饿游戏 The Hunger Games
Hope!It is the only thing stronger than fear.A little hope is effective.A lot of hope is dangerous.Aspark is fine,as long as it's contained.希望!这是唯一强于恐惧的。一点希望可以让人绝处逢生希望太大的话是很危险的。火花可以有,但一定得能控制住。2013-11-27 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:楚门的世界 The Truman Show
Well,for me,there is no difference between a private life and a public life.My life is my life,is the Truman show.The Truman show is a lifestyle.It's a noble life.It's a truly blessed life.我..2013-12-04 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:十部经典电影之经典台词
一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。2013-12-13 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:飞屋环游记 Up
幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。2013-12-18 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:剪刀手爱德华The Story of Edward Scissorhands
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。2013-12-20 编辑:melody
[经典电影对白(图文版)] 经典台词回顾:加菲猫 GARFIELD
Money is not everything. There's MasterCard.钞票不是万能的, 有时还需要信用卡。2013-12-27 编辑:melody