126.A Failed Trip
"The whole trip is up in the air right now!
Mike is in the middle of fixing the roof, Davey is in the back playing with his buddies,
and little Megan never wanted to go in the first place!" mom complained to her friend, Betty.
"I thought the trip was in the bag! Oh, Betty, I'm sorry.
I know how much you were looking forward to going on a family vacation to Yellowstone.
Any chance you can try again in the near future?"
"Who knows? In the course of living with this family anything can happen.
In the meantime I've learned to be ready for anything to fall through. I'll be fine in the long run!"
"At least you'll get to watch ER! Betty said, trying to encourage mom.
"I read that it's going to be about how the whole hospital staff is in the midst of dying from a virus
when Dr. Carter discovers a cure in the nick of time!
He becomes a national television hero in the light of his discovery!"
"That should be fim!" mom replied. "I can watch it in the back like usual.
The kids always have to watch The Simpson on the big TV when ER is on!"
播《急 诊室》的时候孩子们总是要在大电视上看《辛普森一家》!"
But mom was in the dark about what was really going on.
When she got up off the phone she looked around. Where was everyone? She asked herself.
Then she looked in the front yard and they were all sitting in the car, ready to go and waiting for her.
"Surprise!!!" They all yelled. In the context of that surprise, mom was happier than ever.
In the case of Betty, she was in on the whole thing. Her job was to distract mom while the family got the car packed!