197. 被击落了
Jake was surprised that Ann was holding up so well. They had agreed to share the expense of this trip to Brazil together,
but he had no idea that she would share in his adventures. He was there, of course, as a spy!
Whizz! Another bullet shot by, shaving off a couple strands of Jake's hair. "Drive faster!" he yelled to Ann. Then he shook his fist at the helicopter that was chasing them.
When Ann shifted gears he almost fell out of the jeep! She’s no chicken, Jake thought, but she wasn’t that good of a driver.
Then Jake shifted his ground and aimed to shoot at the helicopter. Pow! A direct hit!

He had shot down the helicopter and Ann let out a whoop of celebration! Then they both quickly leaned behind their chairs to be shielded from flying debris!
"Hey, Jake. This has shaped into an interesting vacation!" Ann said after she had stopped the jeep.
"When are you going to shed some light on who was chasing us? I shared with you in the risk. I think I should know what’s going on as well!"
"I’m impressed. Women are usually shaken to their foundations after being shot at, in a car chase, and hunted by a helicopter! Good, but first let’s go look at the wreckage!"
They walked over to the crashed helicopter. "Just as I suspected. Renegade CIA agents!" he said. "Scum of the earth!"
Then, in contempt for the men lying before him be turned around and shook the dust from his feet!