204. Marching in formation
204. 队形训练
Marching men in a line stood for discipline! It also helped them stay in shape! When Major Wills ordered the practice to stop,
the officers refused. They said that they would stand on ceremony and continue the tradition!
Major Wills smiled and told the officers to stay behind after the meal. Alone in his quarters Major Wills said that no modem war would ever need men to stand in line!
威尔斯少校笑了,他叫军官们吃完饭后留下来。等单独在他的营房时, 威尔斯少校说现代战争都不需要士兵排队!
Smaller units would instead act with stealth. Standing in formation was a thing of the past!

Then the officers began to stand up for their opinion. They said that marching in formation was a tradition that had stood the test of time that should stay put!
It was an excellent way to stay on top of troop progress. It was difficult to start out with, they agreed, but once the men learned the complicated drills,
nothing would stand in their way to learn even more difficult tasks. It would also be disrespectful to the past to throw that tradition away and start something!
Major Wills thought about this. Then the phone rang and the major picked up the receiver.
“Stay on the line, general!” the major said. Then he looked at the officers and said, “The general is coming by and he's having walking problems.
He can hardly stand on his own feet. If we have him do an inspection, he will stay off his feet! And that will go against the doctor's orders!”
Then the officers agreed. They also agreed to stay away from the general when he visited so that the general wouldn't ask why there no formations.
They would all rather see the general get better than cause him more injury!