206.Talking in Gym Class
"Marsha, I hear that they're going to strip you of your valedictorian ranking if you don't pass the gym class!" Kelly said, as she was stretching her legs.
"Yeah! I get straight A's in everything else but gym!" Marsha replied. "But I thought you flunked in art!"
Jenny said as she stopped from doing her warm-ups to stare at Marsha. "Didn't you do a horrible job on your stone carving?"
"No! I did fine," Marsha replied. "But I did stop up the sink with too much paper! But they didn't give me a bad grade because of that!
They just told me to stop by after class for a lesson on not wasting paper!" The girls laughed.
Then, after they finished stretching out, they walked up to the line next to the teacher. She held a stop watch and timed them as they ran around the track.

"Good Marsha! Much Better!" the teacher said. "If you keep straightening out your legs every time like you just did, I may give you an A for improvement!"
Marsha smiled. "Hey, girls," she asked Kelly and Jenny. "Do you want to stop over at my house this afternoon?
I need some help stringing out decorations for tomorrow's party!" "Sure," Kelly replied. "We can stop off for a while.
But before that I have to go to the dog pound. My cat strayed from home yesterday and I want to put up a notice!"
Marsha stopped short of laughing and said, "Great! See you all later then!"