205. 出人头地
Miguel never stepped on anyone's toes, even when he was at the bottom of the basement.
But he stayed the course and eventually rose up within the company step by step!
And he stocked up on unpaid favors along the way. Most of these stemmed from Miguel staying up late to prepare memos for his superiors,
but others came from Miguel always stepping up to volunteer when no one else would.
That's why Miguel was the first person asked to step into the shoes of the departing Chairman!
Miguel was ready for the promotion! He called all of his favors up and told them to stick around because he would need their help;
it was not going to be easy being the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange! Miguel's first decision was to stick with the normal routine.
Several days later, it was obvious that this wasn't going to work; the market was already turning down.
So Miguel decided to stir up a little turmoil on the floor-he changed the rules of trading!
And he didn't change them a little; he changed them a lot! But he warned his friends and they promised to stick together.
It worked, the market rallied and Miguel was praised. He was just glad that his friends had stuck to the plan. If even one had not, it would all have failed!

Now Miguel was at the top to stay! And he had come there all the way from the bottom!