Instead of suing Jack for his racist comments, Jack's lawyer convinced the prosecutor and judge to try to teach him a lesson!
That’s when the Judge decided to make Jack work for the superintendent of Indian Affairs over the summer session! Maybe a little time spent among people of color would change Jack’s perceptions!
Jack almost burst out in rage! That was not the summer job that he had envisioned, working with Indians!
But he sucked up his anger and subjected himself to the judge’s ruling. It could have been much worse; he could have been forced to work for blacks!
When Jack got home he succumbed to deep depression. He hated any race that was not Caucasian! White people were just superior to all others!
Jack always summed up his argument for this by pointing to the fact that Americans had succeeded in becoming the only superpower in the world-they were the best!
Well, Jack wasn’t all right in the head! But he did have to submit to the order of the judge and work with a minority group!
Nothing would sweeten the pill of that punishment! Not even substituting Mexicans for Indians!
All he knew about Indians was that they suffered from a high degree of alcoholism that made them suitable for nothing but beating their wives and living off the government!
Whatever, Jack would do what he had to do, even if he wasn’t suited to succeed! He just hoped that time would pass by quickly and he could get back to his neo-Nazi friends when he returned!