Jack was sure of himself until the first day. That was when the Indians threw a surprise party to welcome him. Jack was suspicious of the whole thing, why would they welcome him? He had sworn by his honor that he would never help a black, Hispanic or Indian! And here they were swallowing it up and being nice to him!
Then they showed Jack to his room. It was meager, but he had to support himself. And the pay wasn't great. What else was he supposed to do, ask his parents for help with the rent on a backwards reservation? Jack swept up the floor and decided that it would be okay! He could sweat it out for a couple of months!

When an old Indian woke him early the next morning, Jack grabbed his work clothes that he had suspended from the ceiling and went outside. He spent the day taking food that was supplied to the poorest families by the government. Those supplies were miserable! Apparently the government didn't work by the laws of supply and demand on Indian reservations—they just gave them leftovers! The low quality of nutrition was the reason the Indians were susceptible to diseases.
But the Indians were kind to Jack. There was so much sweetness and light in them that Jack soon began to like them too! One old Indian even started telling stories. Jack didn't like them at first, but then he realized that he was getting a survey course from a first hand witness to all that had happened.
When he arrived, Jack thought it was a sure thing that he would hate the Indians more after the summer! He was wrong!
He left a changed man!