212.Staying Together as a Family
When Joey's parents died, the children had to take inventory of how each person could fill their shoes in the family to keep it together! David, Joey's older brother, took charge of earning money. Lucy, his older sister, took control of the house. Joey was left to take care of his baby sister, Emily. He thought that was great; he would surely be able to take it easy more often than David and Lucy. Boy was he wrong!
Watching Emily was a lot of work!
It was so difficult that Joey took issue with Lucy that her job was easier than his! Emily was messy—it took forever to clean up after her! And she needed constant attention—Joey couldn't even take in a concert with his friends because he had to watch her!

Lucy told Joey that he wasn't taking into account how much she had to sacrifice either! They all realized that they had taken for granted how much work their parents did for them. And they missed them terribly!
David especially wanted to take back all of the mean things he had said to his dad. Now David realized what it took to support a family! It was all very hard to take in!
So they all took heart from each other, encouraging each other to take care; they wanted to stay together!
And they promised to never take down their last family portrait with their parents! It was a reminder of all that they were working for!