Jack's wife was tickled to death. She finally had evidence to show that Jack was cheating on her! Apparently she had gone to the airline ticket counter to check on whether Jack had really gone on a recent business trip or not. The ticket agent told her that he hadn't! Her lawyer then gave her the thumbs-up to divorce him and take him for all of his money! She would be able to sling a lot of mud at him!
So Jack tied her up and put her in the closet!
Then he went back to his tight schedule. It didn't last long, however. He just couldn't woric and know that his wife of five years was bound hand and foot in a closet. So hp went home to talk to her!

When he released her she was tight lipped! As she tied back her hair and cleaned herself up, Jack apologized and said that he would never do it again!
Just tide over this difficult time and we'll be okay! he said.
I hate to pour cold water on your plans! she turned around and yelled at him. "But you just kidnapped and bound me! You cannot now throw good money after bad and expect me ta stay with you! Nothing you can do will throw me off from taking you to court now not just for your money, but to put you in jail!"
Jack just stood there! He wanted to hit her, but he couldn't. He was still tied to her apron strings and she bad control over him. That was why he had cheated on her with a prostitute even when they were living on a tight budget. He just had to get away from her over-controlling nature!
He let her go!
Then he ran.