224.A Little Football Hero
When little Bo Billings scored his first touch down, everyone thought it was too good to be true! But it was, and for the rest of the season Bo Billings played at the top of his bent! The other players towered over him, sure, but Bo Billings could run! He was brave to the core and his success against all odds really touched a nerve in everybody. He was top-notch and they wanted to see him, and their local football team, succeed.
That's why it was really too bad when Bo Billings got crushed by three big kids on one tackle! As he lay there tossing and turning on the ground, everyone stood up in the stands with their hearts in their mouths. Bo Billings was rushed to the hospital.

The other team just shrugged and said tough luck; that was football! And they won the game. Everyone traced back their victory to the injury of Bo Billings.
Back in town Bo was lying in the hospital. He was touch and go for a while, and that worried everyone. To think that he might not survive was unbearable. When Bo did open his eyes, his words were short and to the point: "Did we win?"
No one wanted to touch on the fact that they had lost because of losing Bo, so they answered yes.
Then Bo closed his eyes and died. He really had been too small for football!
After he passed away the town council made a special statue just in his memory!
And they changed the regulations to put in a size requirement for football!