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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

8. Dan: Did you, uh, did you think of going today?
Rufus: To the funeral? Nah.
Dan: Why not? I mean, you're one of Lily's oldest friends.
Rufus: No, I know. It's just better this way.

It's just better this way: 这样就可以了,就这样吧。

9. Nate: You're really sweet with him.
Blair: Me? Sweet? No.
Nate: No, you are. I mean, worrying about him, offering him food. It's downright maternal.
Blair: I'm not maternal. I've just been spending too much time with Cyrus, and I'm turning Jewish.

It's downright maternal: downright相当于absolutely, maternal表示母性的意思。这里Nate说Blair“母性大爆发”,有时候中文里我们也会说“母爱泛滥”,这里的母爱英文对应的单词就是maternal. 大家可以注意一下后面Blair的回答,我觉得蛮有趣的,调侃了Cyrus一下。

10. Cece: Excuse me, may I please steal my daughter for a moment?
Lily: Mother, if you want to talk, now is not the time.
Cece: What does chuck know?
Lily: Did you not hear what I just said? He knows something about you and Rufus. You should find out what.
Lily: Mother, I just came from burying my husband. I do not have the time, inclination or frankly, the mental capacity to go head-to-head with chuck.

steal: 这个单词在聚会场景里经常听到,如果你要把某人从正在谈话的人群里拉出来,就可以用这个句型。类似的还有Can you guys excuse us for a moment? / May I borrow her? / Can I have a word with you?(这句话通常是对方单独一个人的时候使用)
now is not the (good) time: 现在不是好时机(通常潜台词是“我现在心情不好,不要打扰我”)
have the inclination to: 兴致,倾向
go head-to-head with: 正面冲突

11. Eric: I just lost my stepfather. I don't want to lose my brother, too.
Chuck: When are you going to get it? We are not related.

We are not related: 我们没有血缘关系

12. Cece: Andrew Tyler was just here.
Lily: Bart's P.I.? Don't tell me he was here to pay his respects.
Cece: No, he wanted me to pay him. He knows about the hospital in France.

P.I.: Private Investigator, 私家侦探
pay his respect: 这里是哀悼死者的意思,通常也说pay last respect to someone. 这里的私家侦探掌握了Lily的秘密,所以借此要勒索他们,所以后面Cece说的pay是付钱的意思,这里用了pay的两个用法,大家可以注意一下。

13. Lily: You have to stop him.
Cece: Do I? I'm not sure.
Lily: You can't be serious. Well, after all this time, now you decide that the right thing to do is to tell the truth?
Cece: The truth is out. That changes everything, doesn't it?
Lily: No, it doesn't have to.
Cece: There could be no better time for a clean slate.
Lily: There could be no worse time, mother. This is the last thing I want to come out. Pay him.

The truth is out: 这里的“泄漏”用out就可以搞定了,很简洁的说法。后面出现的come out,表示真相大白,用人做主语的话,就表示坦白的意思。此外,come out还有一个特殊含义表示“出柜”,就是某人坦白自己是gay的身份的话,英文就是he came out.
clean slate: an opportunity to start over without prejudice

14. Cece: What are you going to do about the fact that you're in love with Rufus Humphrey?
Lily: Well, I'm not sure I'm gonna do anything, At least not right away.
Cece: So you are in love with him? I was fishing.
Lily: Oh. Well, you caught me. Considering the circumstances, I have tried with all of my strength to fight it. It is a curse I do not wish on my worst enemy. But I love Rufus.
Serena: So that's why chuck was so upset.
Lily: Serena. Let me explain
Serena: Don't bother. You love Rufus. You always have.

I was fishing: 我诈你的。fish做动词,表示to catch or try to catch fish, 引申含义就是To seek something in a sly or indirect way.
You caught me: 被你看穿了。
You always have: 那句经典的”I love you. Always have, always will.” 很多台词里都引用过。

15. Serena: Hey, you're gonna be fighting me for that neck pillow when your chin is on your chest and there's drool all over your shirt.
Aaron: How did you know that I drool?

drool: 可作名词也可作动词,流口水的意思。中文里当你馋涎某件东西的时候,我们会说“看着都流口水了”,英文里就是drool over something. 口水还可以说saliva和water, 不过saliva是医学用语,相当于“唾液”。英文中说something is mouth-watering, 意思就是让人垂涎三尺的意思。



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