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No. 不
and their lovely friend, Sophie. 还有他们的好朋友索菲
My dear Claire, 亲爱的克莱尔
When we are speaking about love, it’s never too late. 说到爱 永远都不算晚
Well, bad luck, eh? 运气不好?
All hope lost and he rides in at the last moment on a white horse. 所有希望都破灭的时候 他骑着白马出现了
No one will believe it. 没人会相信的
Promise me... 答应我...
Promise me you’ll finish the story. 答应我一定把故事写完
I guess this is it. 我看就是这样了
And I’m sorry it is. 很抱歉是这样
Yeah, me, too. 我也是
Sophie, I... 索菲 我...
I never should’ve kissed you. I was completely out of bounds. 我不该吻你的 我脑子疯掉了
You’re engaged and... 你已经订婚了 而且...
It’s time to go. 该走了
Goodbye, Charlie. 再见 查理
I’ll miss you. 我会想你的
Hi. It is time to... 嗨 现在应该...
I must get back to Victor. Sorry. 我得回去找维克多了 抱歉
Yes. Of course. 好的 当然
So, where’s Charlie? We’ll give you a drive there straight away. 查理哪去了? 我们马上就开车送你过去
No, I’m... 不 我...
Claire, I can’t take you away from this place, so... 克莱尔 我不能让你离开这儿 那么...
My son can drive you. 我儿子可以送你
Just a moment. Yes. Grazie. 等等 好的
I’m so happy for you. 我真为你开心
Is something wrong? 出什么事了吗?
No! No. 没有 没有
No. It’s just, you know... 不 这只是 你知道...
And you’re leaving? 你要走了?
An angel brought you to me. 是天使让你来见我的
Thank you. 谢谢
Thank you. I’ll be eternally grateful. 谢谢你 真是太感谢你了
Thank you. 谢谢你
It’s very kind. Thank you. 太好了 谢谢你
Thank you so much. 太谢谢你了
You’re always welcome here. Thank you. 随时欢迎你来 谢谢
Thank you, Lorenzo. Ciao. 谢谢 洛伦佐 再会
Speak soon. 再联系
Bye. 拜
Darling, you’re family, 亲爱的 你不是外人
so I think you’ll understand why I’m telling you you’re a total idiot. 所以你应该明白我为什么说你是个大傻瓜
Okay, okay, then don’t sugarcoat it, Gran. 好的 别先扬后抑 奶奶
I won’t. 我不会的
How many Sophies do you think there are on this planet? 你觉得这个地球上有多少个索菲?
Don’t wait 50 years like I did. 别像我一样等上50年
Go. Go! Go! 去吧 去!
重点单词   查看全部解释    
planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

victor ['viktə]


n. 胜利者 Victor: 维克托(男子名)






