3. Old School《单身男子俱乐部》
The Plot: A trio of dudes experiencing mid-life crises band together to form their own fraternity even though they aren’t enrolled in college. Their wild parties and general debauchery become so popular amongst the real students that they soon find themselves awash in pledges to their new frat, both old and young. Persecuted by the local establishment (Jeremy Piven, with more hair here as a middle aged Dean than he had as a college student in PCU –- how does that work?) the new frat is forced to defend their honor and their survival. Along the way, they fall in love, they get divorced, and people even die. Poor Blue. Never forget.
三个从大学时代就结交死党的帅哥正经历着中年危机。性派对越来越普及,他们却想找回纯朴的高校生活,设立了兄弟会。受到当地部门的迫害(Jeremy Piven像中年头发更浓密的Dean ,能奏效么?)新的兄弟会不受世俗侵扰。曾经,他们恋爱过,又离婚,有人离世。可怜的Blue,永世不忘。
What We Learned: College is fun for all ages and if your nickname is “The Tank” your destiny probably involves getting bombed and eventually streaking through campus. Also, if someone knocks on your door and says “I’m here for the gangbang” you might want to reevaluate your life. Oh, and most importantly, don’t let old men wrestle two topless chicks in a pool filled with K-Y Jelly. Not unless you’re prepared to sing at a funeral.