What are you good at? I happen to be a great judge of character. This sounds like a boring game. It's not.
你擅长什么游戏? 我擅长判断人的底细.听起来这游戏很无聊.才不无聊.
Here's how it works: I make a statement about your past. If I'm right, you drink. If I'm wrong, I drink.
是这么玩的: 我说一句话 有关你的经历. 如果我说对了, 你得喝酒. 如果我说错了, 我得喝酒.
And no lying. I'll know if you're lying. I don't want to play this game. Fine. Bronn first.
不准说谎. 你说谎我会知道的. 我不想玩这个游戏. 好吧. 波隆先来.
Your father beat you. But my mother hit harder. You killed your first man before you were 12.
你父亲揍过你. 但我母亲揍得更凶. 你不满十二岁就杀过人.
It was a woman. She swung an axe at me. You've been North of the Wall.
是个女人. 她用斧头砍我. 你去过长城以北.
What brought you up there? Work. And...
你去那儿干什么? 工作. 还有...
You once loved a woman many years ago, but it turned out badly so you've never let yourself love again. Oh wait, that's me.
许多年前你曾爱过一个女人, 但结果很悲剧, 所以你再也不相信爱情了. 哦等等, 这是在说我.
Your turn, my mysterious foreign beauty. I don't want to play. It's fun! Look at the fun we're having.
轮到你了, 神秘的外国美女. 我不想玩. 很有趣的! 瞧我们玩得多开心.
Your mother was a whore. Drink. All right.
你母亲是个妓女. 喝. 好吧.
Your father left the family when you were very young, never to return. Drink. And we've established the rules about lying?
你父亲在你很小的时候就离开了你,再也没回来.喝. 关于说谎我们定了什么规矩?
Drink! Mmmm. You wanted a different life.
喝! 嗯. 你想要过一种不同的生活.
You came from somewhere and you wanted to be elsewhere. The whole shit-stained world could drink off that one. So specifics-
你想远离你所出生的地方. 全世界的人都要喝这杯酒了. 那就具体一点...