The amazing thing about water drops, is that they always take the path of least resistance. For humans, it's exactly the opposite.
水滴的特别之处在于它们总能找到阻力最小的道路 对人类来说 情况刚好完全相反
When Layton died, Tapioca started chewing metal buckets till it's gums bled.Layton and Tapioca had been inseparable.
雷顿死后 木薯卡开始嚼铁桶,嚼得嘴都出了血 雷顿和木薯卡曾经形影不离
And then one day, Gracie took him for a long walk through the meadow. They sat for a while facing the mountains.Gracie returned with a new kind of understanding in their eyes.
后来有一天 格雷西带着木薯卡穿过草场,走了很久 他们一起坐下,眺望远山 回来时似乎达成了某种一致
Tapioca stopped chewing metal buckets.He went back to snapping at fireflies, just like before.As if he had made peace with lossing his master.Maybe someday, I'll go back snapping at fireflies too.
木薯卡不再嚼铁桶了 他又开始捉萤火虫了,像从前一样 他似乎接受了失去小主人的事实 也许有一天,我也可以再捉萤火虫