He's gonna talk about Layton, for sure. So, you saw the accident ... You saw the accident, you didn't understand what happened, you ran for help, that's it. Remember, do not express any kind of guilt. You listening? Not until we consult with our lawyers. You understood all that?
他肯定会问雷顿的事 你就说意外发生时你在 意外发生时你在,但你不知道发生了什么 你跑去找人,就这样说,记住了 别表现出一点愧疚 听到没? 我们至少要先咨询一下律师,都听懂了么?
We're live in five minutes. You're gonna go back to the green room.
还有五分钟开播,小姐 你得去后面的绿房间待着
Well.. No, surely, it is normal for a representative of the Smithsonian...
Miss Jibsen, you'll love our green room. You can watch the entire show there on a monitor.
吉布森女士,你肯定会喜欢我们的绿房间的 那里能看得到整场节目 有直播屏幕
But he is only ten... I mean, ...
T.S. Call me Roy.
Hello Roy.
First time on TV? Lets do it.
Roy. We're live in ten seconds.
On the air in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2
倒数开始 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2