Let's kill the wolf.
Hang on.
We'd be heroes.
Red, teams of trained hunters have been killed.
小红帽 训练有素的猎人接连被杀
But they go at night when it's got the advantage.If we went now, we could find it slumbering in its den and kill it in its sleep. Come on.
谁让他们晚上去 夜晚是狼的天下 如果我们现在去 狼还在窝里睡觉 我们能在它睡梦中干掉它 走吧
Red, I don't know.
小红帽 这不好吧
I'm going, with or without you.But you're right. I can't let her keep me trapped forever.
不管你去不去 我都要去 但是你说得对 我不能让她关我一辈子
I-it's you.