You here to tell me more about your fine new job?
I want to come back.
Why? You were pretty mad.
为什么 你当时不是很生气吗
I wasn't mad.
Looked like mad from here.
Yeah. Here's the thing um... you were talking about having me do all this stuff, and I wasn't sure. I-I said that you wanted me to turn into you, but... what I meant was... I don't know how to be you. You're a tough act to follow. And then you wanted me to take on all this extra responsibility, and I guess I just got...scared.
没错 事情是这样的... 你当时说让我做那么多事情 我还拿不定主意 我说你要把我变得和你一样 但是...我实际的意思是...我不知道怎么做到你这样 你水平太高 我望尘莫及 然后你说让我承担起那么多额外的责任 我就... 我想我是... 吓着了
Don't be. You shouldn't be.
不用怕 不需要害怕
Well, I am. But it's okay. I can do it anyway. I sort of found someone in myself that was more than I expected.
我确实害怕 但那也没关系 反正我能做到 我好像发现了自己有出乎我意料的能力
What about adventure? What about lemurs?
不去历险了吗 不去找狐猴了吗
Emma was my lemur. Did that. Found out I could do that and also that I don't want to.
艾玛就是我的历险 体验过了 结果发现 虽然我能做到 但是我却不想这么做