I should have died when I was 24. Right after This Side of Paradise.
24岁时 我怎么就没死呢 也好过受现在这种煎熬
Did you get that book I sent you?
我寄给你那本书 你收到了吗?
General Grant's memoirs.Do you know how he came to write them? This is interesting. He was dying of throat cancer... and he wanted to leave something behind for his family... so he started writing his autobiography. He worked every day for hours and hours. He was in great pain, anguish... but he just kept on writing. And in the end, he produced the most astounding book. So very beautiful. Just a little velvet to see you through.
《格兰特将军的回忆录》 你知道这本书他是怎样写成的吗? 这是个有趣的故事 他当时深受喉癌的折磨 希望在死之前 为他的家人留下点可以回忆的东西 所以他就开始写自传 他每天从早写到晚 他虽然疼痛难忍 极度不适 但他始终没有停笔 最后 他发表了这本惊世骇俗的巨作 非常了不起 一点小小的心意 希望能帮你渡过难关
I'll write you a great book.
I know.