There's a ship leaving for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea tonight. From there, I'm afraid it's rather a long walk to Castle Black.
今晚就有条船启程去东海望 从这到黑城堡 恐怕可是趟漫漫旅途呐
I hope you enjoy the Wall. I found it surprisingly beautiful... In a brutal, horribly uncomfortable sort of way.
我希望你会喜欢上长城的 我发现它有种很特别的美 一种残忍 可怕 令人不安的美
The lads will escort you. The streets aren't safe at night, My Lord.
小伙子们会将陪伴你 晚上的街道可不安宁 我的大人
These men are under my command! I command you to arrest this cutthroat.
这些人听我指挥 我命令你们逮捕这杀人犯
His name is Bronn and he is the new commander of the City Watch.
他叫波隆 是新任都城守备队队长
Boys. I have friends at court, powerful friends! The king himself made me a lord!
伙计们 咱可是上面有人 身居高位的朋友 国王亲自授予我爵位
To the new Commander.
If I told you to murder an infant girl, say, still at her mother's breast, would you do it without question?
假设我要你去杀一个婴儿 刚出世的婴儿…还在她娘的怀里喝奶 你会什么都不问就照办吗?
Without question?
No. I'd ask, "how much?"
当然不会 我会先问价格
If they come back, I say we yield. Gendry's the one they want.Don't want to get caught in the middle of a battle.
如果他们回来 我们还是放弃吧 詹德利才是他们要找的 我可不想遇上战斗
I ain't afraid of no battles.
If you got within a mile of a battle, you'd fill your pants.
恐怕还没开打 你就要吓得尿裤子了
I've seen lots of battles. I saw—
我看过许多场战斗 我看过——
I saw a man kill another man just outside a tavern in Flea Bottom. Stabbed him right in the neck.
我看见一个人直接对别人捅刀子 在跳蚤窝里的一间酒馆外 直接捅在右脖子上
Two men fighting isn't a battle.
They had armor on.
So, if they've got armor on, it's a battle.
他们穿了盔甲 那就是战斗
No, it isn't.
不 那不是
What does a dyer's apprentice know about battles anyway?
Gendry's an armorer's apprentice.