Fine. How far is Tolerance?
行 宽容嘛 有什么难的
I can hear the two of you scheming out there!
你们的诡计 我听的清清楚楚
Don't you dare leave this house!
Ohh, why do you have to be such a psycho control freak?!
Okay, you know what?
行啊 给我听着
Just for that, you are grounded one week!
就冲那句 我关你一礼拜紧闭
Oh, that's good parenting!
Okay. Two weeks.
有你的 两个礼拜
Want to double it?! keep talking!
还想翻倍吗 接着说啊
Blah blah blah blah blah!
Fine! four weeks! four!
行 四个礼拜 四!!
Double it again and make it 10 weeks!
接着翻啊 干脆十个礼拜算了
Oh, my god!
Do you not hear how much you need to study?!
瞧你蠢的 再怎么翻也翻不到十倍吧
Mitchell, come on. We're gonna be late.
米奇尔 快点 我们要迟到了
Ohh, I can't believe we have to do this.
Come on, after the earthquake,
拜托 地震之后
it might be nice to be around similarly dressed people.
That makes no... the earthquake!
简直毫无... 哦对了 地震
Okay. Okay. Yes.
没错 没错
Yes. This -- okay. This is the perfect excuse.
Why? We're fine.
为什么 我们有惊无险
Yeah, but Pepper doesn't know that.
确实 但佩珀不知情
You'll just tell him
that we have some damage we have to deal with.
- Why me? - Because I'm the one that always cancels.
-为什么是我 -因为以前都是我放他鸽子
- Hello. - No. Don't hand me that I will not talk to him.
-喂 -别给我 我不跟他讲
I'm a bad liar. Do not hand me that.
我可不会说谎 拿远点
Pick up. You are doing it!
快接 该你上了
I think somebody's talking. Hello?
我听见人声了 喂
重点解释: with 处理
例句:She has a lot of correspondence to deal with.
2.pick up 捡起
例句:He picked up his knife and fork.