n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序
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The International Confederation is threatening to send a delegation.
They think this is related to Grindelwald's attacks in Europe.
I was there. This is a beast.
我就在现场 原因是神奇动物
No human could do what this thing is capable of, Madam President.
没有人类有这么强的力量 会长女士
Whatever it is, one thing's clear, it must be stopped.
无论这是什么 有一点毋庸置疑 我们必须阻止它
It's terrorizing NoMajs and when NoMajs are afraid, they attack.
它把麻鸡们吓坏了 而麻鸡们感到恐惧 他们会发动攻击
This could mean exposure. It could mean war.
这可能会导致暴露 甚至是战争
I made your position here quite clear, Miss Goldstein.
我已经说得很清楚了 戈德斯坦恩小姐
Yes, Madam President, but I... You are no longer an Auror.
是的 会长女士 但我 你不再是傲罗了
No, Madam President, but... Goldstein.
的确 会长女士 但 戈德斯坦恩
There's been a minor incident... Well, this office is currently concerned with very major incidents.
出了个小事故 这间办公室里的人正在操心一个大事故
Get out. Yes, ma'am.
出去 遵命 夫人
So, you got your wand permit?
All foreigners have to have them in New York.
I made a postal application weeks ago.

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