Message for Daniel Blake.
Mr Blake, this is a call from the DWP decision maker.
You should soon receive a letter which states that you have been deemed fit for work and not entitled to Employment and Support Allowance.
If you need any further information, it's available online. Thank you.
如需更多信息 请上网查询 谢谢
Fuck's sake.
Hello? Hi, is that Daniel?
喂 你好 请问是丹尼尔吗
Yes, it is. Hi.
是我 你好
Hi, Daniel, it's Harry Edwards here.
你好 我是哈利·爱德华兹
We spoke the other day at the garden centre...
Oh, yeah, yeah. ...when you came down and handed your CV.
哦对 当时你给了简历给我的
How are you doing, mate? Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, thanks, yeah.
挺好 谢谢
Er, listen. I tell you what, mate, I've been going through all the CVs I've had handed over the last couple of weeks.
And I really like the look of yours.
Erm, you've got the experience I'm looking for.
I was wondering if you could possibly, er, pop by tomorrow and that for an interview?
Oh... I'm really sorry, er, Mr Edwards, but, you know, er, my doctor's told us I cannae come back to work yet.
很抱歉 爱德华兹先生 医生说我的身体状况不适合工作