第四十六课 狮子
The lion is called the "king of beasts." He is fierce and bold, very noble-looking, and of great strength.
The home of the largest lions is far away in the wild mountains and great plains of Africa.
The lion lives also in Asia; but there he is not so large and strong as the lion of Africa.

He is seldom seen abroad during the day; but when the sun is going down, the lion leaves his den and goes forth to hunt. He steals along softly, and makes no sound as he treads.
When all is still, his terrible voice is heard. In the silence of the night it sounds like thunder.
If he is near a village, the dogs bark, and the horses, oxen, and camels rush about in terror; for they know the voice of the lion. The men light fires all around, and toss about flaming torches, to scare him away.
But he minds them very little. He goes on to the place where the cattle are kept, and in a few minutes a horse or a cow falls beneath his terrible paw. In this way the natives of the north of Africa often lose a great part of their flocks and herds.
Although the lion seldom leaves his den before evening, yet, when he is hungry, he may even in the day-time be found roaming over the plains.
There, large herds of wild asses and antelopes go trooping along.
They scent the lion at a great distance; and when they hear his voice, they scour away over the desert like the wind.
In their terror, some of them come near the place where the lion lies hid. Then he couches, his eye glares, and with one bound he springs on his prey.
The lion has a long, shaggy mane, and his skin is of a dull yellow colour.
The lioness is much smaller than the lion, and she has no mane.
She makes her home in the deepest part of the forest, and there she lives with her young ones. Woe to him, whether man or beast, that comes near the lioness in her den!
What is the lion called? For what is he remarkable? Where is the home of the largest lions? Where else is the lion found? When does he go forth to hunt? How are the other animals then alarmed? How do men try to scare him away? Where do flocks and herds suffer greatly from his attacks? What sometimes makes him come out in the day-time? What animals does he then prey upon? How does he catch them? In what does the lioness differ from the lion?