第四十七课 老虎
In India, there are vast tracts of waste land called jungle. The jungle is a part of the forest overgrown with tall thick grass and bushes. It is there chiefly that the tiger has his haunts. There, by day as well as by night, he is on the watch for his prey.
The skin of the tiger is covered all over with beautiful black stripes.

Though the tiger is very handsome with his beautiful striped skin, he is more fierce and cruel than any other creature that lives in the forest. People are even more afraid of him than they are of the lion. The lion is content with enough to satisfy his hunger, but the tiger is never satisfied. He tries to kill all he can, and dreadful is the havoc he often makes.
The tiger creeps through the jungle so softly, that he can get near his prey without noise or alarm. Then with a swift bound he springs upon his victim,and strikes it down.
The tiger does not run, as the horse does. He goes over the ground by making bounds or springs, one after the other, faster than the fleetest horse can run!
When an army is encamped near a jungle, the men require to be on the watch, for sometimes a tiger springs out. He has been known to seize a man and carry him off, before anything could be done to save him.
The tiger swims with the utmost ease. When he is hunted, if he is near a river he will plunge into it at once, and swim boldly across to the jungle on the other side. In this way he often escapes from the hunters. In India the tiger is hunted with elephants and dogs.
What is the jungle? What animal has his haunts there? What difference is there between the tiger and the lion? What is the colour of the tiger's skin? Why are people more afraid of him than of the lion? How does he catch his prey? How does he go over the ground? What has he been known to do when an army was encamped near the jungle? How does he often escape from the hunters? How is he hunted?什么