At the tenth representation, my dramatic career was brought to a close by an unfortunate circumstance.
We were playing the drama of "William Tell, the Hero of Switzerland."
Of course I was William Tell, in spite of Fred Langdon, who wanted to act that character himself.
I wouldn't let him, so he withdrew from the company, taking the only bow and arrow we had.
I made a crossbow out of a piece of whalebone, and did very well without him.
We had reached that exciting scene where Gesler, the Austrian tyrant, commands Tell to shoot the apple from his son's head.
Pepper Whitcomb, who played all the juvenile and women parts, was my son.

To guard against mischance, a piece of pasteboard was fastened by a handkerchief over the upper portion of Whitcomb's face, while the arrow to be used was sewed up in a strip of flannel.
I was a capital marksman, and the big apple, only two yards distant, turned its russet cheek fairly towards me.
I can see poor little Pepper now, as he stood without flinching, waiting for me to perform my great feat.
I raised the crossbow amid the breathless silence of the crowded audience—consisting of seven boys and three girls, exclusive of Kitty Collins, who insisted on paying her way in with a clothespin.
I raised the crossbow, I repeat.
Twang! went the whipcord; but, alas! instead of hitting the apple, the arrow flew right into Pepper Whitcomb's mouth, which happened to be open at the time, and destroyed my aim.