Whenever a can was tossed away, there was a great rush for it. If you had never had anything for a water jug except a gourd or a pottery bowl that broke very easily, and then suddenly you saw things like cans, that didn't break at all, you would rush and scramble for them, too! They would be much more precious than any silly thing like money, that couldn't buy cans in the jungle at all!
After breakfast Alice always trotted off to see if everything she wanted was in her basket: her doll and picture book, her bottle of drinking water, and the lunch that Priscilla always put up for her, cold chicken and crackers and cheese and bananas.
The busiest moment of the morning was just after breakfast, for every porter was trying to get his load on his head and hurry off with it.

Uncle Akeley and Father were trying to keep all the two hundred porters together, and not let anybody get away until every load was taken care of. Priscilla was busy getting Alice ready, and mother and Martha were trying to get the breakfast things back into the boxes.
The boys who helped the cook never would hurry with washing the breakfast dishes; so the boxes that held the dishes were always the last to be ready.
The porters who carried them hoped that sometime they would manage to get off with the empty boxes before the dishes were put into them. Every morning they came and sat beside the boxes, waiting for a chance.
So Alice had to sit on guard each morning like a little girl shooing off hens; and everytime a black arm would reach slyly out for an empty box she would shout, "Hapana!" (No). Then there would be a laugh from the blackboys. They were always very good-natured about it.