The possessor was proceeding homeward, when a decrepit, lame, and humpbacked invalid, tottering along by the aid of a stick, presented himself before him.
He threw him a piece of money, and waved his hand as dispensing with his thanks.
"May it please your honor," said the supposed beggar, "I am the painter of that picture!" and again he rubbed his eyes.
The tall mall was Count Dunkelsback, one of the richest noblemen in Germany.
He stopped, took out his pocketbook, took out a leaf, and wrote on it a few lines.

"Take it, friend," said he; "it is a check for your money. Adieu."
Duhobret finally persuaded himself that it was not a dream.
He became the master of a castle, sold it, and resolved to live luxuriously for the rest of his life, and to cultivate painting as a pastime.
But, alas, for the vanity of human expectation!
He had borne privation and toil; prosperity was too much for him, as was proved soon after, when an indigestion carried him off.
His picture remained long in the cabinet of Count Dunkelsback, and afterward passed into the possession of the King of Bavaria.