He was wondering if he might try to climb a new side of the mountain this afternoon. It would be fun to lead the goats high up to the Three Dragon Stones, where the tenderest grass and bushes grew. The way was steep, and there were dangerous places on the mountain wall; but he knew a good path, and the goats were always very careful.

So, after eating his lunch, Moni started up to the Three Dragon Stones, with the goats climbing joyfully after him. Soon most of them had run ahead of him except little Meggie, who always stayed near at hand. At first everything went very well. With long leaps the goats rushed forward to the green bushes and grass on the slopes above. Ahead of them all ran the light-footed Swallow, springing from rock to rock. Today she was to have a surprise.
Half-way up, the young goat stopped suddenly. Before her stood a wild chamois looking curiously at her. Such a thing had never happened to Swallow before. She stood still, waiting for the stranger to move aside so that she could jump to the rock above. But the wild mountain animal did not stir from Swallow's path; he kept on looking boldly into her eyes.
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/xiaoxue/201807/559556.shtml