"Would you think to deprive the fire of its victims in this childish manner?" exclaimed Middleton.
A faint but solemn smile passed over the features of the old man, as he answered,
"Your grandfather would have said, that when the enemy was nigh, a soldier could do no better than obey."
The captain felt the reproof, and instantly began to imitate the industry of Paul, who was tearing the decayed herbage from the ground in a sort of desperate compliance with the trapper's direction.

Even Ellen lent her hands to the labour; nor was it long before Inez was seen similarly employed, though none among them knew why.
A very few moments sufficed to lay bare a spot of some twenty feet in diameter.
To one side of this little area the trapper brought the females, directing Middleton and Paul to cover their light and inflammable dresses with the blankets of the party.
Then the old man, crossing to the other side, approached the grass, which still environed them in a dangerous circle, and selecting a handful of the driest of the herbage, he placed it over the pan of his rifle.
The light combustible kindled at the flash.
Then he placed the little flame in a bed of the standing fog, and patiently awaited the result.
The subtle element seized with avidity upon its new fuel, and in a moment forked flames were gliding among the grass, as the tongues of ruminating animals are seen rolling among their food, apparently in quest of its sweetest portions.
"Now," said the old man, holding up a finger, and laughing in his peculiarly silent manner, "you shall see fire fight fire.
Ah's me! many is the time I have burned a path from wanton laziness to pick my way across a tangled bottom."