Far from feeling glad at the good fortune which had come to his brother, Cassim grew so jealous of Ali Baba that he passed almost the whole night without closing his eyes.The next morning before sunrise he went to his brother. “Ali Baba,” said he, harshly, “you pretend to be poor and miserable and a beggar, and yet you measure your money. How many pieces,” added he, “have you like this piece of gold my wife found sticking to the bottom of the measure yesterday?”
From this speech Ali Baba knew that Cassim, and his wife also, must suspect what had happened.So, without showing the least sign of surprise, he told Cassim how he had found the cave of the thieves, and where it was; he offered, if he would keep the secret, to share the treasure with him.
“This I certainly expect,” replied Cassim in a haughty tone; “otherwise I will inform the police of it.”
Ali Baba, led rather by his good nature than by fear, told him all, even to the words he must pronounce, both on entering the cave and on quitting it. Cassim made no further inquiries of Ali Baba; he left his brother and set off the next morning before break of day with ten mules laden with large baskets which he proposed to fill with treasure from the cave. He took the road which Ali Baba had pointed out and arrived at the rock and the tree; on looking for the door, he soon discovered it. When he cried, “Open Sesame!” the door obeyed; he entered, and it closed again.

Greedy as Cassim was, he could have passed the whole day in feasting his eyes with the sight of so much gold; but he remembered that he had come to take away as much as he could; he therefore filled his sacks, and coming to the door, he found that he had forgotten the secret words, and instead of saying, “Open Sesame” he said, “Open Barley.” So the door, instead of flying open, remained closed. He named various other kinds of grain; all but the right one were called upon, and still the door did not move.