Now Ali Baba took the road to the town, and when he got home, he drove his donkeys into the yard and shut the gate with great care. He threw off the wood that hid the gold and carried the bags into the house. There he laid them down in a row before his wife, who was sitting upon a couch.

When he had told the whole story of the cave and the forty thieves, he emptied the sacks, making one great heap of gold that quite dazzled his wife’s eyes.
His wife rejoiced in this good fortune, and began to count over, piece by piece, the money that lay before her.“What are you going to do?” said he. “Why, you would never finish counting them. I will dig a pit for the treasure; we have no time to lose.”
“We should know about how much there may be,” replied the wife.“I will go and borrow a small grain measure, and while you are digging the pit, I will find how much there is.”
So the wife of Ali Baba set off and went to her brother- in-law, Cassim, who lived a short way from her house.Cassim was away from home, so she begged his wife to lend her a measuring vessel for a few minutes. “That I will,” said Cassim’s wife. She went to seek a measure, but knowing how poor Ali Baba was, she was curious to know what sort of grain his wife wanted to measure; so she put some tallow on the bottom of the measure in such a way that no one would notice it.
The wife of Ali Baba returned home, and placing the measure on the heap of gold, filled it over and over again, till she had measured the whole. Ali Baba by this time had dug the pit for it, and while he was burying the gold, his wife went back with the measure to her sister-in-law. But she did not notice that a piece of gold had stuck to the bottom of the vessel.
The wife of Ali Baba had scarcely turned her back, when Cassim’s wife, looking at the bottom of the measure, was astonished to see a piece of gold sticking to it. “What!” said she. “Ali Baba measures his gold! Where can the wretch have got it?”When her husband, Cassim, came home, she said to him, “Cassim, you think you are rich, but Ali Baba must have far more wealth than you; he does not count his gold as you do; he measures it.”Then she showed him the piece of money she had found sticking to the bottom of the measure.