As there were still a great many things left in the ship which would be of use to me, I thought that I ought to bring them to land at once; for I knew that the first storm would break up the ship. So next day I early went on board, and took good care this time not to load my raft too much.
The first thing I sought for was the tool chest. In it were bags of nails, some spikes, saws, knives, and such things, but best of all, I found a stone to grind my tools on. There were two or three flasks, some large bags of shot, and a roll of lead, but this last I had not the strength to hoist up to the ship’s side. There were some spare sails, too, which I brought to shore.

Now that I had two loads of goods on hand, I made a tent with the ship’s sails to stow them in and cut the poles for it from the wood.and when this was done, I shut up the door with the boards, spread on the ground one of the beds which I had brought from the ship, laid two guns close to my head, and went to bed. I slept all night, for I was much in need of rest.
The next day I was sad and sick at heart, for I felt how dull it was to be thus cut off from all the rest of the world! I had no great wish for work, but there was too much to be done for me to dwell long on my sad lot.Each day I went off to the wreck to fetch more things, and I brought back as much as the raft would hold.