"Scarce the device itself at this distance," replied Rebecca; "but when the sun glances fair upon his shield, it shows as I tell you."
"Seem there no other leaders?" exclaimed the anxious inquirer.
"None of mark and distinction that I can behold from this station," said Rebecca; "but, doubtless, the other side of the castle is also assailed. They appear even now preparing to advance……What a dreadful sight! Those who advance first bear huge shields, and defences made of plank; the others follow, bending their bows as they come on. They raise their bows!"……

Her description was here suddenly interrupted by the signal for assault, which was given by the blast of a shrill bugle, and at once answered by a flourish of the Norman trumpets from the battlements, which, mingled with the deep and hollow clang of the nakers (a species of kettledrum), retorted in notes of defiance the challenge of the enemy. The shouts of both parties augmented the fearful din, the assailants crying, "St. George for merry England!" and the Normans answering them with their battle-cries.
It was not, however, by clamour that the contest was to be decided, and the desperate efforts of the assailants were met by an equally vigorous defence on the part of the besieged. The archers, trained by their woodland pastimes to the most effective use of the long-bow, shot—to use the appropriate phrase of the time—so "wholly together," that no point at which a defender could show the least part of his person escaped their cloth-yard shafts.
By this heavy discharge, which continued as thick and sharp as hail, while, notwithstanding every arrow had its individual aim, they flew by scores together against each embrasure and opening in the parapet, as well as at every window where a defender either occasionally had post or might be suspected to be stationed—by this sustained discharge two or three of the garrison were slain, and several others wounded.
"And I must lie here like a bed-ridden monk!" exclaimed Ivanhoe, "while the game that gives me freedom or death is played out by the hands of others. Look from the window once again, kind maiden; but beware that you are not marked by the archers beneath. Look out once more, and tell me if they yet advance to the storm."