"The bridge—the bridge which communicates with the castle—have they won that pass?" exclaimed Ivanhoe.
"No," replied Rebecca; "the Templar has destroyed the plank on which they crossed.
A few of the defenders have escaped with him into the castle—the shrieks and cries which you hear tell the fate of the others.

Alas! I see it is even more difficult to look upon victory than upon battle."
"What do they now, maiden?" said Ivanhoe;"look forth yet again—this is no time to faint at bloodshed."
"It is over for the time," answered Rebecca.
"Our friends strengthen themselves within the outwork which they have mastered;
and it affords them so good a shelter from the foemen's shot,
that the garrison only bestow a few bolts on it from time to time, as if rather to disquiet than effectually to injure them."