The world is full of misdirection and waste; but all the calamities and losses endured by mankind through frost, drought,
blight, hail, fires, earthquakes, inundations, are as nothing to those habitually suffered by them through human idleness and inefficiency,
mainly caused (or excused) by lack of industrial training. It is quite within the truth to estimate that one tenth of our people, in the average,
are habitually idle because (as they say) they can find no employment.
They look for work where it can not be had. They seem to be, or they are, unable to do such as abundantly confronts and solicits them.

Suppose these to average but one million able-bodied persons, and that their work is worth but one dollar each per day;
our loss by involuntary idleness can not be less than $300,000,000 per annum. I judge that it is actually $500,000,000.
Many who stand waiting to be hired could earn from two to five dollars per day had they been properly trained to work.
"There is plenty of room higher up," said Daniel Webster, in response to an inquiry as to the prospects of a young man just entering upon the practice of law,
and there is never a dearth of employment for men or women of signal capacity or skill.