Patience held out with most. At every abatement of the gale, and interval of sunshine, the sailors would cheerfully hang up their sea-soaked clothes,
joke over the perils of the storm, and equip themselves anew for reefing and tacking.
It was truly pitiable, sometimes, at the hours for changing watches, to see the top of a sea break over the bow or quarter, and wet them all while pulling at the ropes;

so that the watch just called must stay wet during their four hours of duty, and the watch going below must turn in dripping.
A landsman could hardly help trembling for their safety, when they were ordered aloft to furl, while the ship was rolling so violently,
and the wind blowing in such gusts of fury, that it seemed almost impossible for the to pmasts and yards to sustain the shocks.
For several days we were reduced to close-reefed fore and main topsails,
the ship meantime rolling so tremendously that a man incurred no small risk of broken bones who should attempt to cross the deck,
or stand for a moment anywhere without being firmly braced, or having a rope to hold by.
We did not get sight of the redoubtable Cape, but were driven off to the parallel of 60°,
near the South Shetlands, and afterwards made the land of Cape Desolation, on the western side of Tierra del Fuego.
Discoverers have rightly named it, for we thought land had never seemed so bleak and desolate,
snow lying between the hills and in the hollows of the mountains in this July of the South.