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灵异故事:Spooky Pursuing Motorists (追赶我的开车幽灵) 04
时间:2009-3-18 12:00:51  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

Over the next half hour, there were four more 'close- calls', but I think that I managed to remain hidden well enough behind trees and bushes and by keeping as far away from roads as possible. But in the distance I could still see it driving around the town in circles, as if looking for me. All I had to do was get home, lock my doors, get a baseball bat, ring my girlfriend and maybe 999 and warn them of creepy prankster motorists stalking my town...

  But eventually of course I had to come back onto the roads, to get home. I sprinted across street after street and soon came to the police station. Police station was dark and empty as it was unmanned at this time of night (it is only a small rural town). There the car was waiting, and I was suddenly caught in its headlights like a small animal frozen by headlights with shock and fear. This tale now takes its paranormal twist.

  Up until this point, I had assumed it was some youths playing a prank with me. But one of them got out of the car (the passenger side). The horrific 'melted face' was just not human. The figure was clad all in white and was of a burly build, and stocky... but unfeasibly tall at the same time. I mean, really tall, like seven foot. And he started to race towards me; arms outstretched making a kind of wailing, screaming noise.


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